Scandalmongers, the people who spread rumors or malicious gossips are very dangerous. Because the ultimate aims of scandalmongers are to destroy someone’s dignity and hurt someone’s self-esteem, also hurt another person’s heart. Some reasons why scandalmongers spread the slanders are the result of resentment, envy and jealousy, prolonged anger and resentment, and hatred. So the scandalmongers are satisfied if the person who is slandered feel slumped and fell the dignity.

When dealing with the gossip or the scandalmongers, your brain and heart should be able to think clearly, also your mind should be calm. The most important thing is you should analyze and introspect into yourself. If the root of the problem is the scandalmongers spread the slanders because they felt hurt, as it may you have inadvertently done something wrong to them, or your words inadvertently hurt their heart, then you might think “Okay, I was guilty to them, I was wrong, so I should ask forgiveness to them.You should not think like that. Why?

You may indeed ever hurt them, so that you are obliged to apologize and resolve the problems. It applies when you still owe for it. But, when they have already replied to your mistakes with bad deeds, such as slandering you, then they are no longer entitled to receive an apology and guilty feeling from you. Because the crime of slander is just as ruthless as assassination. So that, the scandalmongers are obviously not better than you. They are even worse than you. So, free yourself and mind from any guilty feeling to the scandalmongers even though you have ever hurt them by your words (when you were angry or when you criticized them), because the value of their slanders to you is far beyond your mistake you ever did to them.

When they have already replied to your mistakes with bad deeds, such as slandering you, then they are no longer entitled to receive an apology and guilty feeling from you.

Moreover, if you feel you do not have any problem with them as well as you do not know where the slanders come from, so the problems are not at you. Obviously, the problems are at the scandalmongers. You will surely upset remarkably. But, do not let your negative emotion overwhelm yourself, then you reply slanders with slanders. Because by doing the same thing, you are as evil as the scandalmongers. Try to defuse your emotion and anger by calming down or sparing time with your closest relatives and best friends that will never respond any form of slanders addressed to you.

Free yourself and mind from any guilty feeling to the scandalmongers even though you have ever hurt them by your words (when you were angry or when you criticized them), because the value of their slanders to you is far beyond your mistake you ever did to them.

The slander aims are to destroy another person’s reputation or name and dignity of a person. So you may be relieved, because not everyone is going to trust the words of the scandalmongers. The slander aims will be successful for the people who do not know you well and the people who believe in the scandalmongers. However, the slander aims will not successful for the people who know and trust you well.

So, you can refuse the slanders addressed to you in a polite way. Do not reply to vilify those who slander you, because it will only decrease the quality of yourself. Keep in mind, there are still many people in this world who still believe in you, although on the other hand, there are some people who also believe in the scandalmongers. This life has two sides, as well as the people’s response to the slanders, some believe, but some disbelieve. Because it all depends on which side people respond and who responds it. So, you do not need to expect that all people believe in you. Just say, “Please, believe it or not!” And stay focused on what you are doing. Do not let what the scandalmongers did hamper the progress of your life. Because over time the strength of slander will fade by itself and the truth will come. And they will finally reap the results of their own actions because what is done by someone is like a boomerang, it will come back to him/herself.

Read this article in Indonesian Language: Menghadapi Si Tukang Fitnah

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