A great admirer of Rumi’s, al-Muhasibi’s, and al-Ghazali’s works. A lover of all the things creative. Letters, written things, colors, patterns, and a contemplation lover. I think and imagine whatever I would like to, but I do something worthwhile and ignore everything useless and meaningless. I place the essence of my soul wherever I find the deepest serenity. An out-of-the-box thinker. Welcome to my site!

My name is Mirna Aulia. I am an interior designer, an author, and a ghostwriter.  There are many people who have the same name with me both on social medias and on search engines.

Mirna Aulia, seorang desainer interior, penulis, dan penulis bayangan (ghostwriter).  Ada banyak orang yang memiliki nama yang sama dengan penulis, baik di media-media sosial maupun di mesin-mesin pencari (Google, Yahoo, dll).

If you find the same name by searching on the search engines, I AM NOT MIRNA AULIA WHO IS WORKING at these fields: forestry, dentistry, pharmacy, political parties, biology, forestry research, ministry of forestry, and/or agriculture.

Apabila Anda menjumpai nama-nama yang sama melalui pencarian di mesin-mesin pencari, penulis BUKAN Mirna Aulia yang bekerja atau berkecimpung di bidang-bidang: kehutanan, kedokteran gigi, farmasi, partai politik, biologi, riset-riset kehutanan beserta institusinya, dan atau pertanian.

I prefer to keep friendship with real people on the real world. So, I am neither a Facebook user nor a Twitter user nor a Path user nor a Linkedin user, nor an Instagram user, nor a Youtuber. I only have three social media accounts (click the highlighted texts below):

Penulis BUKAN pengguna Facebook, BUKAN pengguna Twitter, BUKAN pengguna Path, BUKAN pengguna Linkedin, BUKAN pengguna Instagram, BUKAN pula pengguna Youtube. Penulis hanya memiliki tiga akun sosial media seperti berikut (silakan klik tautan link akun-akun di bawah ini): 

MirnaAulia.com   Kompasiana   Indonesiana   

Other accounts with the same name are NOT mine.

Akun-akun lain dengan nama yang sama BUKAN AKUN PENULIS.

I NEVER give my phone number to any reader of my blog and yet I absolutely love to connect to all of you through this blog or by email at mirnaa.aulia@gmail.com.

Penulis TIDAK pernah memberikan (mempublikasikan) nomor kontak penulis. Namun, penulis akan dengan senang hati berkomunikasi dengan para pembaca melalui blog ini atau melalui email penulis di mirnaa.aulia@gmail.com


My most inspiring quote from Rumi states,Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

If you have any further comments or questions, please feel free to drop me a line:




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